Veterinary Podiatry Package
with Dr Luke Wells-Smith
Our VPP includes the 4 components below:
Using the information from your completed VCP Questionnaire you and your veterinarian will have an in-depth discussion of your horses history, your concerns and your goals prior to your appointment.
Using the Equinosis an advanced diagnostic system to objectively measure your horses movement on hard and soft surfaces to identify any asymmetry in the horses gait.
X-Rays of all four feet with a complete assessment of internal structures and angles followed by any recommendations.
Report will include all findings by Dr Luke Wells-Smith with recommendations for on-going treatments, exercise programs and information about follow up appointments.
What Podiatry services does Dr Luke provide?
- Assessment of hoof health and lameness evaluation to understand how to best manage horses with foot related lameness.
- Use of high quality x-rays and venograms to understand both hoof and biomechanics of the lower limb.
- Maintain horses barefoot with a range of different limb/hoof combinations at different life stages.
- Maintain equine athletes in a wide range of shoes to perform at the highest levels from racing to sport.
- Work with your farrier/trimmer to come up with a long term management plan to keep your horse competing.
- Provide referral service and second opinions to veterinarians throughout Australia and Overseas. Including in-clinic, fly in - fly out or
online in a tele-health portal.